For businesses, facing crises is as natural as developing. Sometimes these are personal challenges, sometimes the scale concerns a region, and sometimes they cover the entire world (how can one not recall 2008). But a crisis due to a pandemic is something new. The world has rebuilt. And there has been a clear division: some suffer losses or leave the market altogether, while others prosper. Is it possible to maintain sales during quarantine, and how to do it? This question requires an immediate answer.
Quarantine Sales: List of Popular Products
Safety and survival are the target audience's pain points during quarantine. During the pandemic, a number of products emerged that are sold successfully and first and foremost. These are food products and prepared meals, medicines, household chemicals, baby products, clothing and footwear, and auto parts.
Quarantine Sales: List of Popular Products
The restrictions hit the restaurant business, fitness centers, shopping centers, tourism business, event companies, sellers of goods for construction and repair, furniture manufacturers armenia email lis the hardest. However, they can also maintain or even increase sales during quarantine. How?
First of all, thanks to the promptly developed strategy. It will become the foundation on which further plans and individual rules for trading during quarantine can be built. But in any case, you will have to change - a little or radically.
Rebuild to a new way
How exactly and in what to change - will be prompted by the requests of the target audience during the crisis and your own capabilities. For restaurants, home delivery of food products has become relevant, clothing manufacturing has been reprofiled into the production of protective masks, and automobile companies have started producing ventilators.
Move sales online
Of course, this concerns the trade of goods that are currently of interest to the target audience. Restaurants are closed? Well, this is an opportunity to deliver food home with a courier. Are construction markets limited in their work? And paint and wallpaper can be delivered home. Services have also begun to be promoted online. Fitness clubs broadcast classes, artists give concerts, foreign language schools conduct training, lawyers consult, even circuses perform.
Move sales online
Take care of customers
Why not include a sanitizer or mask as a gift when delivering products? Customers will appreciate this approach. And it will greatly increase loyalty. And of course, when delivering, the courier should take all precautions: use personal protective equipment and maintain social distancing.
Don't disappear from the radar
Advertising budgets are the first to be cut during a crisis. However, the lack of advertising is a very painful blow to business. And in this case, social networks and messengers will help out. In addition, they will help keep in touch with clients.
Use situational humor
Easter bunnies in medical masks, burgers or crown-shaped balloons, T-shirts with themed prints greatly raise the mood of consumers. And, oddly enough, such products are purchased with pleasure - both for themselves and as gifts.
Lend a helping hand to partners
Mutual assistance during quarantine saved many. It is not so difficult to find forums and communities on the Internet where you can ask for help if needed, and if possible, lend a shoulder. The business environment, especially related areas, has become very united in this difficult time.
Trade during quarantine, even the most severe, will not go anywhere, although it requires more effort than sales in pre-COVID times. It will simply take the forms that are most beneficial to both business and customers.
Lend a helping hand to partners
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No quarantine will be an obstacle to success if you want to achieve it. You can earn money without leaving your home and without making extra efforts. Join our "Community of Free Entrepreneurs" and develop your business. regardless of quarantine restrictions! All participants of the Fractus system receive not only the opportunity to make a profit at any time and in any place, but also accessible useful information that will help establish a business even for those who have no experience in sales.
How to Maintain Sales During Quarantine
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