On the other hand, there are so many fake text canada whatsapp number reviews on websites that users rarely believe them. Video reviews work well. They inspire much more trust, and they are technically easy to produce. Ideally, you should have 2-3 good video reviews for each service. If there is no such possibility, text ones will work.

Provided that they are composed according to the rules: The review should be concise and clearly express the patient's position. The review must be accompanied by a photo and the patient's name. The review must be agreed upon. Often the patient is not against leaving a review, but suggests that you write it yourself. Be sure to obtain the patient's consent to post the final version.
Any materials, including photos and the patient's name, are posted with his documented consent. Reviews on third-party resources Reviews about your clinic can be left anywhere where you registered your business card. Aggregator sites (specialized and general) Yandex and Google maps 2GIS Social media On aggregators and maps, in addition to the reviews themselves, it is worth paying attention to the ratings.