Specialize in a niche

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Specialize in a niche

Post by Arzina3225 »

New figures on influencers and employee advocates underscore the urgency and relevance of this trend. According to the 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer, 60 percent of consumers consider a peer to be as credible as an expert. Only 29 percent trust a government representative. Research by Zuberance shows that influencers are considered trustworthy by only 18 percent of consumers. For brand advocates, that figure is 92 percent. Employees who are proud of their employer and convey that positive feeling can therefore act as extremely influential ambassadors.

Also read: Why content marketing works
Employee ambassadors
In addition, employees can significantly increase the reach of an organization through social media. “As long as companies realize that they have to give something back to the employee and also have to respect the role they play (or perhaps do not want to play), we will see that employee advocacy will contribute positively to the content strategy of a company,” says Martijn Rademakers . Incidentally, not every employee is suitable as an employee ambassador. That role is mainly reserved for those who have a bond with the organization, who are proud of it and who also feel substantively involved.

A warning from Suzanne de Bakker : brand ambassadors are usually mainly found among marketers, who then come up with actions that suit themselves and not necessarily their target group, who are much less involved with and think positively about the brand. Oh yes, and if we are to believe Elon Musk , silos within an organization can hinder openness to the outside world.

Companies are increasingly functioning as media companies that create, share and further develop content on a wide range of topics.

1.5 Mass and niche
For a growing number of companies, content creation is no longer limited to information about their own products and services. According to Joe Pulizzi (founder of the Content Marketing Institute), japan phone number list companies are increasingly functioning as media companies that create, share and further develop content on a wide range of topics. Red Bull Media House and PepsiCo & Mondelez show how this works in practice. On Dutch soil, The Milk Story is a good example. And platforms such as Medium.com offer plenty of opportunities for brands to share thematic content.

The fact that content marketing goes beyond drawing attention to products and services does not mean that the content is there for everyone: specializing in a niche is a must to create thought leadership . The success of Fish Tales illustrates this phenomenon. There are also plenty of growth opportunities for online marketing aimed at – different types! – people over fifty .

Quality is always more important than quantity, according to Ebele Wybenga , author of 'The Editorial Age' (aff.). “Many brands have started their own content production, resulting in an abundance of 'things': the idea that every channel needs to be filled. Filling the pipes , I call it. It means that a lot is being made, not necessarily very good content. All those mini-productions cause enormous noise, unrest, fragmented attention and a message that does not get through.
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