Hopefully you’ve already made a bunch

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Hopefully you’ve already made a bunch

Post by ritu2000 »

With BrandIn you get a Brand workspace in the PowerPoint ribbon, allowing you to control what gets used, and hide what doesn’t. The workspace contains the colours, shapes, tables, charts, SmartArt, and fonts you want your employees to stick to. By removing the things you don’t want to see in presentations, you help users do things right. If it’s too hard to access branded design elements, presentations inevitably stray off-brand. That’s why we build BrandIn with a searchable, curated library of your pictures, slides, logos, and illustrations — all optimised for use in presentations. It’s easier to stay on-brand than to stray off it, so that’s what your employees do. BrandIn also includes a Brand Check which identifies and fixes common mistakes. Wrong colours or fonts? Fixed. Off-brand shadows or bevels? Removed. Brand name without legal marks? Added!

We could keep going and going, talking about Model phone number in america Slides, managing templates and masters, sub-brands and more. But if you want to know more – just get in touch.

Making sure the corporate presentations produced across your organisation consistently look professional and on-brand without draining your employees’ time is a true challenge. However, if you assess your current materials, invest in training, and equip your teams with the tools they need you’ll see a significant improvement in the quality and efficiency of presentation development in your company.

Welcome to 2024! of inspiring resolutions like climbing a mountain or learning the French horn, but have you made the most important resolutions of all? Your presentation resolutions! No? You surprise me!

Here are 5 things you should commit to doing this year in your presentation practice. Don’t worry our free PowerPoint design and productivity add-in BrightSlide will make keeping these new year’s resolutions a breeze!

Oh and before we start, you should really download BrightSlide if you haven’t already!
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