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The cooperative assembly period is coming!

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:50 am
by babu5757
About the assembly period
In general, in the first quarter of the year, for many cooperatives, the assembly period also begins, where meetings take place that will define the future of that cooperative.

So, for cooperatives to communicate with their members about the assemblies, they initiate a set of communication actions that encourage members to participate in the assemblies.

There is no doubt that for many cooperatives, radio is their preferred means of communication! In many municipalities where the internet has just arrived, they already had radio available.

Assembly period is the time to distribute invitations to meetings called Ordinary General Assemblies.

It is extremely important that cooperative members participate in this meeting russian phone number whatsapp as all members are also owners of the cooperative.

Now a quick question:
Considering that radio is one of the main ways to communicate with members, how can you be sure that your message, with the invitation, is reaching your member? You just have to monitor it, right?


You can monitor your radio campaign!
The good news is that you can monitor your radio campaign without needing a lot of investment!

After all, cooperatives call for an assembly full of participants.
An empty assembly or one with few participants??? Only if the members do not hear or do not receive the invitation.

So, to know the effectiveness of radio communication, it is necessary to measure and monitor, and this is possible through a media checking platform. Knowing in real time whether your commercial insertion is being broadcast according to the contract is easy and accessible with the Audiency platform.

It is no coincidence that one of our success stories was precisely when we served a cooperative , so that in just 60 days, the cooperative went from having a deficit of 19.6% to having an extra 16.3%. In other words, the cooperative stopped having doubts about whether its spot was being broadcast and started to be sure that everything was being executed.

With this, together with our performance, it was able to evolve to play A MAIS and have the guarantee of communicating with its associates.

The satisfaction of having a well-made campaign with everything executed comes from the advertiser, the listeners and the broadcaster itself.