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The remuneration includes salary

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:34 am
by Mimakte
This type of personnel motivation is more complex than you might initially think. Incompetent managers often provide such incentives only in the form of promotions, bonuses and fines. It should be borne in mind that material incentives can be much more diverse. Among them, the most frequently used are:

Monetary reward . Nothing motivates to work more than fair pay. Currently, the international practice has established a method of defining KPI (Key Performance Indicator) indicators, which provide an accurate assessment of the results of an employee or department. Only on the basis of objective data can one make unmistakable conclusions regarding the success of achievements. At the same time, an individual list of tasks set before him is formed for each employee, for the fulfillment of which he must do everything possible.

, salary supplements, percentage of sales, bonuses philippinen vorwahl whatsapp and premiums, awards for success in a competition, etc. For example, if the size of the bonus depends on the number of attracted clients or concluded deals, then the employee will strive to show higher results to increase income.

Non-monetary motivation . It is also based on material benefits, but of a slightly different nature. For example, the most successful employees can be provided with individual service, discounts on products, free trips. In large enterprises, training at the expense of the organization has proven itself well. In this case, the employee, thanks to new knowledge, brings more benefit and at the same time shows greater loyalty to the company that paid for his training.

Fines . Despite the possible risks, this method of influencing personnel often has to be resorted to. Establishing a system of fines ensures a high level of discipline in the organization, therefore, when hiring, familiarization with the internal regulations is mandatory, warning about the consequences of non-compliance.


Usually, penalties are an extreme measure in case of disruption of the work process, neglect of official duties or failure to fulfill the plan. In addition, punishment of one employee often motivates his colleagues to work more actively.

The difficulties are related to the fact that soon employees begin to view material incentives not as a component of the personnel motivation system, but as part of the standard salary. Gradually, people will stop working with full dedication to receive a bonus and will insist on a salary increase in the corresponding amount.

Non-material motivation
Only volunteer movements, where people care least about money, manage to build a motivation system based on spiritual ideals. However, non-material incentives can and should be used in any organization. These include:

career prospects;

motivational speeches from management or stories about professional achievements;

contests and competitions (including those not related to the business area);

conducting team building activities;

honor boards;

cultural events;

public praise of distinguished employees;

feedback - involving employees in creating a corporate culture;

support in difficult situations;

active participation of management in the life of the team, showing attention to the success of each employee.

Intangible methods may include flexible scheduling and remote work if employees have proven their reliability.

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Principles of the personnel motivation system
Let's look at the main ones:

It is better to introduce a motivation system gradually
This will convince employees of the need for change and allow them to adapt. Following these recommendations, you can create an effective system of motivation and incentives for staff, in which employees feel the desire to work for results.