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What tasks can be delegated?

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:17 am
by Mimakte
Simple, everyday tasks . For one person, these tasks may seem tedious, while another sees them as an exciting experience. For example, organizing a regular meeting with colleagues on a project or collecting sales statistics for a conference.

Specialized tasks. The team leader does not have all the necessary information. There are experts in the team who are more familiar with certain programs or programming languages. They will complete the tasks faster and offer non-standard solutions.

Tasks that overlap with other roles . For example, a manager has scheduled a meeting with potential clients at the same time as a brainstorming session on a new product. It is better to involve specialists who have deep knowledge in this area in the ideation session. At the same time, for a manager, it is critical to interact with customers and receive their feedback on the project.

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What not to delegate
There are several areas that are best not to whatsapp number australia be completely handed over to other hands:

Developing a growth strategy
When a manager delegates tasks that determine the direction of a product or team, he or she is handing over control to others. Setting goals, determining priorities for a group, or approving a budget is best left to someone who is responsible for it.


At the same time, you can provide the team with small subtasks that will speed up decision-making. For example, you can ask colleagues to collect data for the past year or provide feedback on completed projects.

Hiring and firing employees
Not all team members are aware of the requirements for candidates and cannot manage the company's financial resources. In addition, salary information usually remains confidential and is available only to the hiring manager and the supervisor.

Hiring and firing employees


However, an experienced developer or product manager may participate in the interview along with the team lead to assess the candidate's skills and provide detailed information about the nature of the work.

Troubleshooting in the department
The manager is responsible for the team and the product. If at any point there are failures, deadlines are missed or conflicts arise, the manager must resolve these issues. It is impossible to shift responsibility to colleagues, otherwise the manager risks losing the respect of the team and control over the situation.

Examples of delegation of authority
What functions can an online store owner delegate:

Financial accounting
At the initial stage, it is important to find a competent specialist and outsource accounting and paperwork tasks to him. This area of ​​work takes a lot of time, even if you have an economic education. The ongoing costs of agency services can become burdensome. You need a responsible person who will carry out these duties systematically.

Advertising campaigns and promotion
This area includes the work of advertisers, PR managers, SEO specialists and marketers. Without the relevant experience, you risk spending your advertising budget ineffectively. It is best to turn to professionals, who can be found through friends or advertising companies.

Filling with content
Content managers, copywriters, and blog editors can help fill the store with relevant content. Since new products are constantly being added, regular information updates are required. It is recommended to work with one author for stability. The same applies to photography. It is better if one person does it.

Programmers will be needed by those who created the store website themselves
In the current economic conditions, it is not practical to employ all of these specialists. We recommend hiring freelancers to free yourself from many of the above tasks.

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Alexander Kuleshov
Alexander Kuleshov
General Director of Sales Generator LLC
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