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Increase engagement on social media

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:15 am
by mostfiz67
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Along with the general calendar for the phone number list philippines company , we have developed another Marketing Calendar for hair salons , where we indicate the dates of the year that best adapt to the beauty sector. Do you want to know which days are most important to prepare your communications? Here we go!

In this article I am going to talk to you about how to adapt the Marketing Calendar for hair salons , and the advantages of applying it to your communications, promotions, campaigns and, of course, to your publications on social networks.


What are the benefits of using the 2023 Marketing Calendar for hair salons?
You adapt your actions to the dates of your target audience
They are your current hanger for your commercial actions
It gives you topics to create and share


What are the benefits of using the 2023 Marketing Calendar for hair salons?
In our article on Digital Marketing for Hair Salons we already told you 5 practical tips to apply in your beauty center. The general strategy must consider a target or buyer persona, that is, your target audience. If the dates fit with that audience, you will be able to generate valuable content and campaigns that adapt to their tastes and interests.

You adapt your actions to the dates of your target audience
Your commercial actions and digital communications must adapt to these dates, to get people to read, buy and share your content. Generating quality content is closely linked to the Marketing Calendar .