E-commerce launch plan: preliminary economic study
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:15 am
I am usually asked to write articles on how to create an e-commerce or how to optimize it, but today I want to explain a process that I consider essential when starting a project and that not everyone does, which is the economic study prior to the launch plan of an e-commerce that should always be done before considering continuing with the other parts of the project.
An e-commerce project should be divided into the following stages :
Preliminary feasibility study.
Platform selection.
Choice of topic.
Choosing the hosting.
Test (development and testing, is something you will have to maintain over time).
In this article I am going to focus on the prior feasibility study, which, as I say, not everyone does or is not sufficiently objective when doing so.
What is a pre-feasibility study?
A preliminary feasibility study is nothing more than a simulation of what we will find when our e-commerce is up and running and is based on a study of our competition and the framework in which our products will have to compete.
It is a fact that all of us who are dedicated to the world of e-commerce know that a project that starts from scratch will not obtain organic positioning results until a few months after its start.
I always speak from the point of view of a long-term project and not of niche projects that can be accelerated with dubious practices that can give results in the very short term but that, normally, have a very short life, so we are going to do the study based on the worst scenario that we would have, which is obtaining traffic from paid sources (Google Adwords, Shopping, etc.).
In this way, if the project is viable, it will be even more so if we obtain SEO results sooner.
What aspects should be taken into account in a prior feasibility study?
We will separate the preliminary feasibility study into different sections:
1.- Analysis of the competition
Location of main competitors.
Analysis of products that are on the market.
Analysis of competitor prices.
Analysis of the competition's taiwan phone code logistics.
2.- Keyword analysis and simulation
Analysis of keywords used by our competitors.
Simulation of the cost of obtaining paid traffic.
Project revenue simulation.
Sales margin simulation.
3.- Result
Simulation of a monthly result based on our budget.
Decision making based on simulation.

1.- Analysis of the competition
Location of the main competitors
To find out who our main competitors are going to be, what keywords they use, etc., we can go directly to Google, start searching and aiming, but using a tool like SEMrush will make the task much easier.
Just by entering the keyword we are looking for, it will show us all the information related to that keyword, in which case we will be interested in seeing which sites occupy the top positions in Google.
An e-commerce project should be divided into the following stages :
Preliminary feasibility study.
Platform selection.
Choice of topic.
Choosing the hosting.
Test (development and testing, is something you will have to maintain over time).
In this article I am going to focus on the prior feasibility study, which, as I say, not everyone does or is not sufficiently objective when doing so.
What is a pre-feasibility study?
A preliminary feasibility study is nothing more than a simulation of what we will find when our e-commerce is up and running and is based on a study of our competition and the framework in which our products will have to compete.
It is a fact that all of us who are dedicated to the world of e-commerce know that a project that starts from scratch will not obtain organic positioning results until a few months after its start.
I always speak from the point of view of a long-term project and not of niche projects that can be accelerated with dubious practices that can give results in the very short term but that, normally, have a very short life, so we are going to do the study based on the worst scenario that we would have, which is obtaining traffic from paid sources (Google Adwords, Shopping, etc.).
In this way, if the project is viable, it will be even more so if we obtain SEO results sooner.
What aspects should be taken into account in a prior feasibility study?
We will separate the preliminary feasibility study into different sections:
1.- Analysis of the competition
Location of main competitors.
Analysis of products that are on the market.
Analysis of competitor prices.
Analysis of the competition's taiwan phone code logistics.
2.- Keyword analysis and simulation
Analysis of keywords used by our competitors.
Simulation of the cost of obtaining paid traffic.
Project revenue simulation.
Sales margin simulation.
3.- Result
Simulation of a monthly result based on our budget.
Decision making based on simulation.

1.- Analysis of the competition
Location of the main competitors
To find out who our main competitors are going to be, what keywords they use, etc., we can go directly to Google, start searching and aiming, but using a tool like SEMrush will make the task much easier.
Just by entering the keyword we are looking for, it will show us all the information related to that keyword, in which case we will be interested in seeing which sites occupy the top positions in Google.