Look Before You Leap When Thinking About Changing Your Job
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 9:37 am
Confucius was a pretty bright guy, [sorry about the understatement..] – he said ‘Choose a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life!’ Or was that Henry Ford? Anyway, the principle stands, how awesome is it when you love going to work?
In reality though, how does the following scenario sound…?
You start a job and love it, not just the work, but the people you work with, your boss, even the place you work is great. It is a perfect storm of ingredients that make it so easy to peel your face off the pillow on Monday morning, you just love it!
As time goes by however, maybe a couple of your team move on, or your manager paraguay phone number resource changes, and the role you have been doing changes, or you get moved to a different team, and suddenly, a couple of years into the job and you wonder what you ever saw in this job at all, and even Friday feels a bit like a Monday!
After some soul-searching, you start entertaining notions and thoughts about jumping ship, something you never thought you would have to do.
Better the Devil You Know….
Hold it though! Before you start scouring the job boards and classifieds for a new job, take a step back and consider the following points.
Research, research, research! Get online and determine the health of your current industry in terms of available jobs, the fluidity of the employment market in general and make sure that you have your timing right. I once left a very stable job just as the last recession hit. It worked out! It was terrifying and it was a risk, but it worked out! Arm yourself with information.
‘Search your feelings!’ [I’m pretty sure that quote is down to Yoda….or was it The Emperor]? Why are you making a move right now? Are you sure that this is not a ‘knee-jerk reaction?’ Are you sure that changing your job will ‘cure’ the way you feel about your current job? Don’t create a permanent solution to a temporary problem, if you leave now, it could very well be a one-way ticket!
In reality though, how does the following scenario sound…?
You start a job and love it, not just the work, but the people you work with, your boss, even the place you work is great. It is a perfect storm of ingredients that make it so easy to peel your face off the pillow on Monday morning, you just love it!
As time goes by however, maybe a couple of your team move on, or your manager paraguay phone number resource changes, and the role you have been doing changes, or you get moved to a different team, and suddenly, a couple of years into the job and you wonder what you ever saw in this job at all, and even Friday feels a bit like a Monday!
After some soul-searching, you start entertaining notions and thoughts about jumping ship, something you never thought you would have to do.
Better the Devil You Know….
Hold it though! Before you start scouring the job boards and classifieds for a new job, take a step back and consider the following points.
Research, research, research! Get online and determine the health of your current industry in terms of available jobs, the fluidity of the employment market in general and make sure that you have your timing right. I once left a very stable job just as the last recession hit. It worked out! It was terrifying and it was a risk, but it worked out! Arm yourself with information.
‘Search your feelings!’ [I’m pretty sure that quote is down to Yoda….or was it The Emperor]? Why are you making a move right now? Are you sure that this is not a ‘knee-jerk reaction?’ Are you sure that changing your job will ‘cure’ the way you feel about your current job? Don’t create a permanent solution to a temporary problem, if you leave now, it could very well be a one-way ticket!