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7 hacks to have unforgettable presentations

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:07 am
by Bappy10
Learn how to better communicate your ideas in public with these 7 hacks so that your presentations are unforgettable and connect with your audiences.


Below, we will provide you with advice that you should take into account in relation to your public speaking and speech.

1. Make the most of those first seconds
The first 90 seconds of your presentation will be key to capturing germany whatsapp number the audience's attention. To make the most of this time, we recommend following some of these tips:


Create a speech geared toward the concerns and needs of the audience to spark their interest.
Order the ideas and concepts to be explained.
Summarize the content you want to present.
Ask an interesting question that will generate curiosity in the audience.
Share a news story or a statistical fact related to the topic of the talk that is relevant and will keep everyone in the room interested.
Make a striking statement.
Tell a short and exciting story.
Use humor to break the ice.
2. Encourage listeners
During your presentation, it is likely that some of your listeners will become distracted and lose focus on what you are saying. To prevent this from happening:

Raise your voice as you speak about topics that need more attention. This way, the audience understands that they should pay attention to what you are saying.
Develop your ideas and arguments with confidence and security at all times. Remember that you are the expert and others have to perceive your mastery of the subject.
Engage your audience in your presentation with images and videos that complement your speech.
Maintain eye contact with your audience at all times, moving your gaze across the room without losing sight of any angle.
3. Don't rush and take breaks
To properly present an idea in public, you must establish pauses; this way, you give people time to analyze the information and understand it better.

A good presentation is one that feels more like a conversation than a simple monologue. In this sense, pauses are the time when you are open to receiving audience reactions, getting feedback, and making your information more understandable.

For example, after asking a question, pause and count to three for your audience to respond. This trick serves to highlight an important idea and to give your audience the opportunity to clarify doubts and stay engaged.

Regarding the presentation design:
A la hora de exponer una idea a un público, es tan importante lo que se tenga que decir como la manera en la que se presentan esas ideas visualm
If you want to show impactful content, you can use images, interactive maps, graphs, gifs, videos, infographics or any other visual communication element that helps you better express your ideas and the information you provide.

Ultimately, to create and deliver memorable presentations you need to express yourself appropriately, ask compelling questions, tell stories, level the tone of your voice and make eye contact with your audience.