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Copy the entire wordpress folder

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 3:42 am
by israt9623525
Download the WordPress installation package from the official website and unzip it to a folder of your choice.
Check that all the installation files are in the wordpress folder:
How to Install WordPress Locally with XAMPP
Go to your XAMPP installation saudi mobile numbers database path, generally this should be C:\xampp.
Open the htdocs directory and paste the wordpress folder you copied earlier into it . Your folder should look like this:
How to Install WordPress Locally with XAMPP
At this point you need to create the database where WordPress will save the data so open the browser and write localhost in the address bar.
On the presentation page, select the PHPMyAdmin item at the top right. This page will allow you to create and manage MySQL databases, in a few simple steps.
Click on New in the left bar and enter the required data: rename the database with a name that refers to the project, for example wordpress and choose one of the UTF-8 options for character encoding.
How to Install WordPress Locally with XAMPP
Click Create and you will see the new database appear on the left side of the screen.
Now you just have to fill in the wp-config.php file and then go back to the xampp\htdocs\wordpress directory .
Open the wp-config.php file with your code editor until you reach the following section:
How to Install WordPress Locally with XAMPP
Change settings:
“database_name_here” becomes “wordpress”
“username_here” becomes “root”
“password_here” should be left blank


Open your browser and type localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/wp-install.php .
The WordPress 5 minutes install screen will appear.
How to Install WordPress Locally with XAMPP
Fill in the necessary information and proceed with the WordPress installation.
In conclusion
Once the steps illustrated are complete, you will be able to test your web project locally, presenting users only with the final version of your site.