E-commerce Online stores use AI mainly to provide

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E-commerce Online stores use AI mainly to provide

Post by sumonasumonakha.t »

A better experience to their consumers. Among the uses of AI in this field, it is possible to mention: Identifying consumer preferences according to browsing and consumption habits to provide a better shopping experience. Making recommendations to customers based on the behavior of others. Performing integrated customer services, such as using chatbots and CRM. Through these AI applications, e-commerce becomes more efficient in customer relationships.

Giants such as Amazon are innovating in the use of technologies and gaining competitive turkey telegram number list differentials. Still, specialized tools and partners increasingly enable these resources to be adopted by small and medium retailers. Automobile Some applications of AI in automobiles are still in the testing phase, such as Uber’s autonomous car. But companies like Google and Tesla are already showing solid results by using this technology. In this context, AI is utilized to enable the car to carry out several commands on its own, such as parking, monitoring blind spots, and detecting collisions.

The goal is for the technology to increase traffic safety and to be affordable in the long term. Entertainment AI has even been used to enable new business models in the entertainment segment, such as Netflix. The company uses the technology to make suggestions to users and improve recommendations, which is a core aspect of the experience on the platform. In addition, the use also extends to the gaming segment, in which characters are endowed with personality, making interaction more complex.
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