12. Target Topics, Not Keywords Plenty

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12. Target Topics, Not Keywords Plenty

Post by zihadhosenjm80 »

12. Target Topics, Not Keywords
Plenty of bloggers do keyword research and produce posts that are carefully optimized for a specific search term. Targeting long-tail keywords can be a powerful way to bring in much more qualified organic traffic (with less competition, too).

Target Topics Rather than Keywords to Get More Readers
Google’s algorithms are increasingly focusing on topics, not keywords — and by afghanistan phone number library the same, you can capture more organic traffic.

If you already have a lot of posts, a great way to make the most of them is to group them into topics. These will normally be a bit narrower than your blog’s categories.

You want to organize your blog’s content to have a central “hub” page for each topic that links to all your other content on the same topic.

Start Diversifying Your Traffic Sources Today
If almost all of your traffic comes from Google search, it’s definitely time to start diversifying. The more varied your traffic sources, the more resilient your blog will be

Plus, even a little bit of traffic from some sources (like email) will often bring in more sales than a high volume of search engine traffic.

This week, pick at least one of the ideas above to try it out on your blog.

And if your blog isn’t quite up and running yet (or if you’re stuck), don’t worry! I’ve got a full guide on How to Start a Blog to help you get everything set up in just 10 – 15 minutes.

Use My 30+ Powerful Free Blogging Tools Today
Forever Free Blogging Tools (and AI Tools for Bloggers) by Ryan Robinson on ryrob
When I first started blogging, I couldn’t afford fancy tools. That sucked. And that’s why I’ve built a stable of powerful free blogging tools ranging from keyword research to an AI article writer, blog idea generator and more. Forever free for all to use—no strings attached.
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