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MarTech Real Estate 2020: life hacks, tips, new technologies

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:30 am
by ashammi228
"MarTech.Real Estate 2020" was held in a new online format for us. The coronavirus situation made its own adjustments to the organization of the event, and in less than a day we had to "transfer" the conference to YouTube.

However, the transition to online allowed us not to limit the number of participants - 1200 viewers watched the broadcast. Here is our brief report and video of the speakers' speeches.

Dmitry Kudinov:
"Analyze this, analyze that. Subtleties and life telegram australia hacks of using call tracking by developers in 2020"

CEO CoMagic noted: call tracking is no longer just an analytics service. In addition to its main task - linking calls with advertising sources - this tool expands the functionality of regular telephony, automates lead processing, helps to increase control over the work of the call center, etc. Thus, call tracking is no longer just a call counter, but a kind of communication center within the company. Our clients actively use the additional capabilities of the service, and this is perfectly illustrated by the cases given in the report.

Don't waste your advertising budget
The call tracking and end-to-end analytics service will show the effectiveness of each source in terms of “from click to sale”.

Get a consultation

Pavel Veselov:
“Classified is more than it seems”

Where do people usually choose housing? First of all, it is Search, then developer sites, and only then come classifieds, the coverage of which, according to research, is only 9%. But is this really so? No, if we are talking about the Yandex.Real Estate service.

The audience of the Russian search engine already exceeds the audience of Channel One, so ads from the Yandex.Real Estate catalog are actively broadcast both in Yandex search and in geoinformation blocks. And if you are not in Yandex's classifieds, you significantly lose out in audience coverage. The contribution that classifieds make to the chain of choosing objects is much higher than is commonly believed.

Roman Antonovsky:
"How a Creative Strategy Can Increase Conversion"

When you and your competitors use the same advertising technologies plus have approximately the same budget, the only way to win in the race for users' attention is creativity, says Roman Antonovsky, creative director of Ingrad Group.

Creativity in real estate differs from creativity in other areas in a number of ways. First of all, in real estate everything is very fast and dynamic - there is neither the opportunity nor the need to build a brand for 5-10 years, as, for example, in FMCG. Sales are always needed here and now, and each project lives on average 1-2 years. During this time, you need to tell the story to your clients and sell it.

The main ideas of the report: don't "sit and wait for calls", but be "bright as a peacock", "faithful as a dog", "flexible as a doe" and "soar high as an eagle". What does all this mean? Sell a dream, not square meters, stick to one main USP and stop being conservative in advertising.

Igor Balashov:
"Management decisions based on big data"

End-to-end analytics is a great tool for achieving various business indicators, says Igor Balashov, founder and CEO of Smartis. However, sometimes it may not give the desired result. Why does this happen?

Perhaps there is no CRM or it is not used. Having talked to more than 100 developers, Smartis employees found out that 40.9% of developers still do not use CRM. As a result, this kills all the usefulness of analytics: data is irrelevant and incomplete, calls are missed, clients are forgotten.

Another common reason: there is a CRM, but the client does not provide data to it. This may be due to technical limitations of the CRM itself, or simply fear of leaking the database. In addition, the developer may not give the marketing agency access to end-to-end analytics. 73.7% of the surveyed developers are guilty of this.

Another situation: reports for the sake of reports. Often, a marketer receives a huge pile of reports and only glances through them without making any deep conclusions. But a marketer who knows how to use end-to-end analytics can use reporting to find the reason for the failure to fulfill the plan, think through and implement optimization of advertising campaigns, and ultimately fulfill the plan for the next month.

And the main reason why end-to-end analytics may not work is the matching of transactions less than 50%, that is, the lack of information on most of the completed transactions. Naturally, in such a situation, focusing on the ROI of a particular channel and making a decision to turn it off is incorrect. What can be done? Analyze different attribution models, add all user touchpoints with the brand (not only transactions, but also sessions, for example), take into account the so-called ROPO effect. Then the matching figure will grow significantly, intermediate channels will appear, also playing a role in warming up the client's interest. And this data can already be used as a guide.