First things first. If you want to get referrals on a regular and frequent basis, it’s best to structure your referral process. Even to the point of having an affiliate program or referral program.
Affiliate programs are relatively simple: if someone brings you a telephoner au danemark new customer, you reward them with a commission . There are many different variations and formats, and you can play around with a multitude of factors in your affiliate system:
Reward : How much you pay in proportion to the amount of business brought in
Validity : When a commission is valid or not based on the effort required to close the sale
Payment method : how long it takes to pay the commissions
Refunds: whether a commission must be returned when the client cancels
Having an affiliate program gives you something very important: it gives an incentive for anyone to recommend you, whether they are a customer or not. An example of this is bloggers - by having the possibility of earning a commission for promoting your product, they are more likely to mention you in their posts and articles on the Internet.
Additionally, affiliate programs allow you to explore new forms of collaboration. You can go out and find partners who complement your business, and offer them the chance to work alongside you.
For example, at Vendomia we work closely with Ringover , an IP telephony and communications platform. Thanks to their affiliate program, we have met them and have started to collaborate with them, offering clients the use of both tools.
This is all thanks to the fact that our products complement each other, so a client can get more out of both services at the same time.
Strategy #2: Create strategic collaborations
If you don't have an affiliate program, you can also do the opposite: take advantage of other companies' affiliate programs to collaborate with them. This is an extension of what we talked about above about Ringover.
Just like you're looking for referrals from other customers, companies that take the time to create a referral program are more open to collaborating. And if you bring them customers, they'll think more of you over time.
So you can contact them to form a strategic alliance .
Here it is important to take into account any potential conflict of interest. That is, the best collaborators are those who complement your company, and who do not overlap with any of your products.