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Work on the convenience of choice

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2025 5:52 am
by jarinislamfatema
If your website catalog has a large number of products available, a person is unlikely to scroll through the pages in search of what he needs. Debug the filter and ensure that it includes all popular filtering criteria. You can find out which parameters are popular for a given type of product in the following way: Calculate the demand for a query like “buy a black iPhone 10”, and if this query is popular, then the parameters “black” and “tenth” should be integrated into the “iPhones” category.

Analyze competitors from the TOP search engine paraguay cell phone number list results. Then take a look at what items are present in their filtering system and "borrow" them for yourself. Below is an example of a complete filter: Example of a full-fledged product filter And incomplete: Example of an incomplete product filter But again, if the quantity of goods is large, and a person, for example, wants to choose something cheaper, you need to provide him with such an opportunity. To do this, it is worth launching the functionality of sorting goods, which is inherent in every online store today.

Add yourself to price aggregators Due to the fact that aggregators or platforms of large companies often get into the TOPs for a huge number of high-frequency queries, it is very difficult and expensive to bypass them in the list, because they have better behavioral factors. You can bypass them only if you yourself launched an aggregator project or are going to expand to a huge holding. Otherwise, if you cannot afford such large budgets, you can resort to a more optimal strategy for leading the buyer through the funnel on the site .