1.- Automations
Let's go with the jewel in the crown.
As you have seen in the previous message, it is a bad practice that I hate, yes I hate.
It just doesn't get into my head.
Who hasn't been bothered by sales representatives from gas and electricity companies visiting their door to offer them "a better deal"? Yes, these are invasive and annoying techniques.
Or as the great Gastre would say: "Spam today, hunger tomorrow"
Before you schedule your typical direct messages, why not ask yourself: would I want to receive this?
The decision I have made regarding this is clear, an automatic message means that my manual bot will immediately stop following it.
I'm giving you this example from July because I couldn't resist telling you about it, but you can imagine that I receive a lot of them.
2.- Self-promotion
Or “egoism,” a practice that is not as prevalent on indonesian phone numbers LinkedIn as it is on Twitter or Facebook, but which is increasingly showing a significant increase.
“Egoism” is nothing more or less than always talking about “his book,” meaning that your entire strategy is based on publishing the content of his articles.

It is interesting to share third-party content and, above all, content that you believe adds value to your community, as I have mentioned previously.
But, to be clear, I'm not saying that we shouldn't talk about ourselves, in fact, it's a social network that lends itself to giving value to our achievements, but it's very different to say:
"I'm Fulanito and I fix problems."
"I'm Fulanito, yesterday I was at X company accompanied by these members to give them knowledge on this topic" and you accompany it with a photo as in the example below:
Linkedin Mistakes - Good Practice Example
Do you see how the film changes? The script is totally different.
3.- Don't talk like a person
This point can be perfectly linked to the previous one.
We must show the most human side of the person, as we saw previously in the example.
If you only focus on the most direct and sales part, I assure you that you will not achieve anything.
Remember that:
“Social media is not for selling.”
Sales are an intrinsic part of good social media management, which will also bring you many other benefits.
So try to be persuasive, to captivate your audience, show the most human side and don't be a robot.