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Break up the repetition and keep the fun on the train

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:50 am
by Arzina3225
The great thing is that Achmea also indicates at the bottom of the poster how the result is made measurable. It is tested against the goals and concrete KPIs of Achmea. From lean, Achmea uses the A3 improvement plan and the X-matrix as tools.

But Achmea indicates that it is just as essential to bring agile values ​​into the organization. 'From hippy agile to being agile' is what Product Manager Randy Soet calls this. His secrets for success:

Also read: Scaling & SAFe: more efficient agile working with multiple teams
Let Business & IT help each other and collaborate based on trust.
Embrace change and accept that things won't go right the first time.
Invest in coaching and reflection.

You can see that reflection very nicely reflected in the sprint cycle. Achmea has chosen sprints of 3 weeks and after 3 sprints they take 2 'platform weeks'. Then the train deliberately stands still for a while and Achmea takes the time for Inspect and Adapt and reflection. Fun is also paramount here.

For example, a Risk game is played or a Dragons' Den is organized, where team members pitch their solutions to problems. And their YouTube channel alone shows that this change in values ​​and culture are the most valuable components of the agile transition, see also the video below.

Scrum in education
Project-based work is already common practice new zealand number for whatsapp at many primary schools. In the past, the teacher would practice the texts of the musical with group 8 and the children would only be the actors. At my children's school, the class itself is responsible for the location, catering, ticket sales, promotion, decors, direction and acting. They arrange this together as a multidisciplinary team.


In primary, secondary and higher education you also see scrum slowly making its entrance as a methodology. Rody Middelkoop , ICT teacher at the Arnhem and Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences (HAN), has been working with the Eduscrum method for some time . The teacher is the product owner and scrum master. The students themselves convert the learning objectives set by the teacher into learning tasks and thus determine their sprint backlog . A 3-hour lesson block is not filled with teaching, but consists of:

A stand-up
Three quarters of an hour of classroom lessons
Two hours of work on sprint planning
A mini sprint retrospective
After a two-week sprint, the sprint review follows, which is the testing moment.