Projective tests
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:35 am
The results of projective testing of employees cannot be faked, since there are no correct answers or even standard questions. Subjects are given the opportunity to choose colors, draw something, or describe what they see in the pictures.
The tasks are aimed at identifying a person's psychological state, and only a qualified specialist can adequately interpret the results. Each psychologist can offer their own unique interpretation.
"House, tree, person" is a basic technique used for taiwan mobile phone number example children in elementary grades. Students are asked to draw three objects on a sheet of paper: a house, a tree, and a person (often themselves). There are no style restrictions - everyone expresses themselves as they see fit. It is important to work out each element in detail.
Different approaches to the task can reveal a lot about the personality: for example, if the house and tree take up most of the drawing, and the human figure is small, this may indicate a feeling of loneliness. If the image is concentrated at the top of the sheet, the subject may be prone to daydreaming. The clarity of the lines, the amount of detail, and the weather depicted are important.
"Depict your professional activity" . The test is aimed at identifying ideas about work in the context of a business environment. Participants are asked to depict their work process: some can show themselves in a circle of colleagues and business partners, others - working alone at a computer.
It is important to pay attention to the details of the drawing: for example, if the image of a person is drawn in black paint against a background of colored figures, this may indicate problems. If the test subject is drawn smaller than the others, this may indicate that he feels like an insignificant element in a large system, for example, in an online store.
The Rorschach test is famous for its unique inkblots, in which different people guess images from dancing butterflies to naked women and other unusual things. It is used to analyze a person’s mental state, creativity and hidden fears.

The Luscher color test is used to determine the emotional mood of the subject, and its results change on individual days. Test participants are asked to sequentially choose the color they like most at the moment from a set of cards with different shades, until only one card remains.
Despite the apparent simplicity of choosing colors, this method of testing employees allows you to accurately assess a person’s current feelings, penetrating into the depths of his subconscious.
Projective tests have the following advantages:
they are original and attract the attention of participants;
capable of producing surprisingly accurate results;
The results of such tests are difficult to distort.
Disadvantages of projective research:
Only a qualified psychologist can interpret the results. It is recommended to contact a specialist for decoding.
Business simulations
The employee testing method, which has become popular recently, is actively used for team building, team training, as well as in various trainings and master classes aimed at strengthening the team.
The basis of the method is to create an imitation of a certain situation from which the team must find a way out. This technique allows you to assess how an employee will behave under pressure, what personal qualities he will show and how he will cope with the problems that arise. It is reminiscent of the show "The Last Hero", but everything happens in a game form.
Business simulations
Let's take, for example, the corporate game "Desert Island". Employees are divided into two teams. One of them, according to the scenario, finds itself on a desert island after an accident. There is everything necessary for survival, except for a way to leave it, and suddenly a volcano awakens, threatening all living things. At this time, a liner approaches the island, with the second team on board.
The "islanders'" task is to convince the liner's crew to take them on board by any means necessary, offering various rewards, services, or even their sailor skills. The game manager watches what is happening, analyzing how effectively the participants can "sell" themselves, overcome objections, and offer benefits.
This game reveals not only the personal but also the professional qualities of the participants, showing what is needed to achieve compromises.
Benefits of using business games:
contribute to strengthening team spirit;
provide an opportunity to evaluate the contribution of each team member;
They are easy to organize without the help of external trainers or coaches.
Disadvantages of this approach:
Not everyone wants to take part, it takes some convincing.
Create your own tests to evaluate employees
To create test methods, it is important that the developer receives all the necessary initial information on the basis of which questions and answers will be formed. The sources of data can be work regulations, opinions and experience of employees, department heads, official documents such as reference books, instructions or specifications, and training materials.
Case: VT-metall
Find out how we reduced the cost of attracting an application by 13 times for a metalworking company in Moscow
The tasks are aimed at identifying a person's psychological state, and only a qualified specialist can adequately interpret the results. Each psychologist can offer their own unique interpretation.
"House, tree, person" is a basic technique used for taiwan mobile phone number example children in elementary grades. Students are asked to draw three objects on a sheet of paper: a house, a tree, and a person (often themselves). There are no style restrictions - everyone expresses themselves as they see fit. It is important to work out each element in detail.
Different approaches to the task can reveal a lot about the personality: for example, if the house and tree take up most of the drawing, and the human figure is small, this may indicate a feeling of loneliness. If the image is concentrated at the top of the sheet, the subject may be prone to daydreaming. The clarity of the lines, the amount of detail, and the weather depicted are important.
"Depict your professional activity" . The test is aimed at identifying ideas about work in the context of a business environment. Participants are asked to depict their work process: some can show themselves in a circle of colleagues and business partners, others - working alone at a computer.
It is important to pay attention to the details of the drawing: for example, if the image of a person is drawn in black paint against a background of colored figures, this may indicate problems. If the test subject is drawn smaller than the others, this may indicate that he feels like an insignificant element in a large system, for example, in an online store.
The Rorschach test is famous for its unique inkblots, in which different people guess images from dancing butterflies to naked women and other unusual things. It is used to analyze a person’s mental state, creativity and hidden fears.

The Luscher color test is used to determine the emotional mood of the subject, and its results change on individual days. Test participants are asked to sequentially choose the color they like most at the moment from a set of cards with different shades, until only one card remains.
Despite the apparent simplicity of choosing colors, this method of testing employees allows you to accurately assess a person’s current feelings, penetrating into the depths of his subconscious.
Projective tests have the following advantages:
they are original and attract the attention of participants;
capable of producing surprisingly accurate results;
The results of such tests are difficult to distort.
Disadvantages of projective research:
Only a qualified psychologist can interpret the results. It is recommended to contact a specialist for decoding.
Business simulations
The employee testing method, which has become popular recently, is actively used for team building, team training, as well as in various trainings and master classes aimed at strengthening the team.
The basis of the method is to create an imitation of a certain situation from which the team must find a way out. This technique allows you to assess how an employee will behave under pressure, what personal qualities he will show and how he will cope with the problems that arise. It is reminiscent of the show "The Last Hero", but everything happens in a game form.
Business simulations
Let's take, for example, the corporate game "Desert Island". Employees are divided into two teams. One of them, according to the scenario, finds itself on a desert island after an accident. There is everything necessary for survival, except for a way to leave it, and suddenly a volcano awakens, threatening all living things. At this time, a liner approaches the island, with the second team on board.
The "islanders'" task is to convince the liner's crew to take them on board by any means necessary, offering various rewards, services, or even their sailor skills. The game manager watches what is happening, analyzing how effectively the participants can "sell" themselves, overcome objections, and offer benefits.
This game reveals not only the personal but also the professional qualities of the participants, showing what is needed to achieve compromises.
Benefits of using business games:
contribute to strengthening team spirit;
provide an opportunity to evaluate the contribution of each team member;
They are easy to organize without the help of external trainers or coaches.
Disadvantages of this approach:
Not everyone wants to take part, it takes some convincing.
Create your own tests to evaluate employees
To create test methods, it is important that the developer receives all the necessary initial information on the basis of which questions and answers will be formed. The sources of data can be work regulations, opinions and experience of employees, department heads, official documents such as reference books, instructions or specifications, and training materials.
Case: VT-metall
Find out how we reduced the cost of attracting an application by 13 times for a metalworking company in Moscow