In this strange year, a thousand things have happened as usual. I have published my fifth book (2 in less than a year!), launched my marketing podcast and launched my mentoring services . Of course, I am still fully engaged with consulting, the blog, conferences and classes.
In the ranking I differentiate philippines girls telegram between the articles with the most traffic written in 2020 and in the entire history of the blog (2009-2020). I hope you enjoy reading it!
Most read articles of 2020 on Tristán Elósegui's marketing blog
The Social Dilemma : This is an article about a Netflix report that has generated quite a bit of controversy. From my point of view, this report has generated a much-needed conversation. To what extent are social networks beneficial/harmful? How should we educate to enhance the positive?
Marketing Guide in Times of Coronavirus : This article was the basis of the book I published, a month later, with José Manuel Gomez Zorrilla, Marketing in Times of Crisis . It summarizes the foundations of what I think are the keys to starting the way out of this crisis for companies.
Coca-Cola once again demonstrates its excellence in brand strategy – one of my last articles before the coronavirus, in which I delve deeper into the importance of brand purpose using Coca-Cola as an example.

Companies with a strong brand purpose will emerge stronger from the coronavirus crisis : and as expected, the use of brand purpose as a lever to get out of the crisis has taken center stage in the ranking. In this case, I focus on B2B companies.
New book: crisis marketing, a guide to adapt to the new reality : and finally, the article for the launch of my fifth book.
The most read digital marketing articles on Tristán Elósegui's blog:
What is a dashboard and what is it used for ?: just as cars have a dashboard with the main indicators of their operation, our company's strategy must have one that allows it to make the best decisions.
10 Tips for Having a Good Conversation : This article summarizes a talk by Celeste Headlee at Ted Talks and helps us focus on what's important.
What is a marketing strategy and what is it for?: 2016 article that is ranked in the blog's top 3 globally. In it I define marketing strategy, differentiate it from tactics and also provide a practical example and links to further information.