What is the Kaizen method?

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What is the Kaizen method?

Post by samiaseo222 »

The Kaizen management philosophy was developed in Japan to rebuild its economy after World War II. In the West, it was popularized in the 1980s by Masaaki Imai, founder of the Kaizen Institute. The word itself can be translated from Japanese as "good change."

Its most important principles are continuous total oil and gas company canada whatsapp number improvement and the small steps already mentioned. Kaizen was originally used in manufacturing companies, such as Toyota, to maintain maximum quality and improve operations. However, the method is very versatile and we aim to show how to put it into practice in any company.

Why do employees resist change?

For now, let's return to the original question: how can we streamline operations in the company without frightening employees, or even with their help? In the introduction, we outlined the reason why employees tend to defend the old order. How can the application of Kaizen help change this situation?

To answer this question, it is worth considering how change is carried out in Western companies. They are often marked by innovation and therefore progress. This is an approach that differs significantly from the Japanese philosophy, and here are the main differences:


In Kaizen, the initiator of change is the team.
This trait is consistent with Eastern culture, which is collectivistic, meaning that people there focus more on cooperation and relationships with other people than on personal success.

Western culture, on the other hand, is individualistic, that is, focused on the achievements of the individual. This is due to our culture, in which innovations tend to be conceived and implemented by individuals, without input from the rest of the organization. It is clear that the more people are involved in initiating change, the greater the acceptance of it.
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