for digital transformation
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:15 am
To solve the personnel shortage, many companies have started to use a comprehensive approach, including a number of strategies. Increasing salaries helps to attract qualified engineers, but does not always solve the problem of their shortage. Then additional benefits come into play. These can be health insurance programs, mortgage subsidies, tuition reimbursement, various corporate bonuses and all sorts of non-material motivation (for example, offering job seekers work on large unique projects, which will later become a saudi arabia email list good component of their professional portfolio).
Mentoring practices, which were widespread in Soviet times, are also being revived at Russian enterprises. Experienced engineers pass on their knowledge to young specialists, helping them adapt to the workplace and master new technologies faster. This not only helps young people get into the profession faster, but also creates a healthy working atmosphere in the team. Rostec, for example, has a school for training professional mentors. By the end of 2025, they plan to train about 1,000 such specialists.
Another important part of the personnel policy of enterprises has become cooperation with educational institutions. Many companies actively interact with universities, participate in educational programs, organize internships and practices for students. This allows preparing future specialists already at the stage of their training, instilling in them knowledge in specific areas and skills in working with modern technologies. One of the pilots was implemented by the Bauman University and the Southern Plant of Heavy Machine-Tool Building (YuZTS). The first step was the creation of an engineering center based on the enterprise. Of the 20 students who were trained at the center, 10 are now working among the enterprise's designers.
Some companies create their own training centers for training and retraining personnel without interrupting production. For example, Norilsk Nickel has a corporate university in Norilsk with virtual reality (VR) technologies, simulators and 3D atlases. Uralchem and SIBUR also have training centers. This option is especially important in the context of the rapid development of digital technologies, when specialists must constantly improve their knowledge and skills.
"We have a product — the Center of Expertise. Our IT specialists are trained here. We have already digitized 90 roles. Every year the number of trainees grows, the product pays for itself from the second year of its existence. 30% of those trained grow in career tracks, and 86% take on new tasks and demonstrate the use of new skills. We use meta-programs to develop employees. When building a training system, many factors are taken into account: motivation, attitude to feedback, ability to collect and assimilate information, setting and implementing actions to achieve a goal, etc."
Tatyana Eremina
Tatyana Eremina
Tutor of the SIBUR Expertise Center
Creation of unique projects such as international competitions "Formula Student""Formula Student" is an international educational project founded by SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers). The goal of the project is to develop engineering thinking in students and educate specialists ready to solve combat creative problems.
The history of the Russian "Formula Student" began in 2005 within the walls of the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute., also helps attract young engineers. These projects allow students and young professionals to apply their knowledge in practice, develop real engineering solutions and become part of the global engineering culture. At Formula Student, for example, a team assembled only from university students lives the full life cycle of an automobile manufacturing company producing small-scale special-class sports cars in a year. In 2024, the Togliatti State University (TSU) team won the competition. The Togliatti Racing Team electric car became the second in the history of the competition to enter the race.
Such initiatives make a significant contribution to the growth of the attractiveness of the engineering profession among young people. But in addition to the efforts of the companies and educational institutions themselves, government projects help to solve the problem of personnel shortage.
How the state helps solve the problem of personnel shortage in Russia
Engineering deficit
Several programs aimed at training and retraining engineering personnel are being implemented in Russia. One of these projects is the Advanced Engineering Schools (AES). This is an initiative aimed at creating new educational programs and training centers at universities that will train engineers in the most advanced areas. This project involves cooperation with leading industrial enterprises, which will allow future specialists to gain relevant knowledge and experience working with the latest technologies.
Another important program is Priority 2030. This program is aimed at supporting universities that develop scientific research and educational programs in the field of engineering and technology. Under this program, universities receive funding to create laboratories, conduct scientific research, and train personnel for industry.
Mentoring practices, which were widespread in Soviet times, are also being revived at Russian enterprises. Experienced engineers pass on their knowledge to young specialists, helping them adapt to the workplace and master new technologies faster. This not only helps young people get into the profession faster, but also creates a healthy working atmosphere in the team. Rostec, for example, has a school for training professional mentors. By the end of 2025, they plan to train about 1,000 such specialists.

Another important part of the personnel policy of enterprises has become cooperation with educational institutions. Many companies actively interact with universities, participate in educational programs, organize internships and practices for students. This allows preparing future specialists already at the stage of their training, instilling in them knowledge in specific areas and skills in working with modern technologies. One of the pilots was implemented by the Bauman University and the Southern Plant of Heavy Machine-Tool Building (YuZTS). The first step was the creation of an engineering center based on the enterprise. Of the 20 students who were trained at the center, 10 are now working among the enterprise's designers.
Some companies create their own training centers for training and retraining personnel without interrupting production. For example, Norilsk Nickel has a corporate university in Norilsk with virtual reality (VR) technologies, simulators and 3D atlases. Uralchem and SIBUR also have training centers. This option is especially important in the context of the rapid development of digital technologies, when specialists must constantly improve their knowledge and skills.
"We have a product — the Center of Expertise. Our IT specialists are trained here. We have already digitized 90 roles. Every year the number of trainees grows, the product pays for itself from the second year of its existence. 30% of those trained grow in career tracks, and 86% take on new tasks and demonstrate the use of new skills. We use meta-programs to develop employees. When building a training system, many factors are taken into account: motivation, attitude to feedback, ability to collect and assimilate information, setting and implementing actions to achieve a goal, etc."
Tatyana Eremina
Tatyana Eremina
Tutor of the SIBUR Expertise Center
Creation of unique projects such as international competitions "Formula Student""Formula Student" is an international educational project founded by SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers). The goal of the project is to develop engineering thinking in students and educate specialists ready to solve combat creative problems.
The history of the Russian "Formula Student" began in 2005 within the walls of the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute., also helps attract young engineers. These projects allow students and young professionals to apply their knowledge in practice, develop real engineering solutions and become part of the global engineering culture. At Formula Student, for example, a team assembled only from university students lives the full life cycle of an automobile manufacturing company producing small-scale special-class sports cars in a year. In 2024, the Togliatti State University (TSU) team won the competition. The Togliatti Racing Team electric car became the second in the history of the competition to enter the race.
Such initiatives make a significant contribution to the growth of the attractiveness of the engineering profession among young people. But in addition to the efforts of the companies and educational institutions themselves, government projects help to solve the problem of personnel shortage.
How the state helps solve the problem of personnel shortage in Russia
Engineering deficit
Several programs aimed at training and retraining engineering personnel are being implemented in Russia. One of these projects is the Advanced Engineering Schools (AES). This is an initiative aimed at creating new educational programs and training centers at universities that will train engineers in the most advanced areas. This project involves cooperation with leading industrial enterprises, which will allow future specialists to gain relevant knowledge and experience working with the latest technologies.
Another important program is Priority 2030. This program is aimed at supporting universities that develop scientific research and educational programs in the field of engineering and technology. Under this program, universities receive funding to create laboratories, conduct scientific research, and train personnel for industry.