In this case, we use the class
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:07 am
index.js : This is where your configuration code will be placed. We will go into more detail on this in the next section. Describing Infrastructure Using Code In this example, we'll create a routing strategy within Twilio's TaskRouter that will have two queues (English and Spanish) where agents will answer calls. To build this project from scratch, you'll need a TaskRouter Workspace, two TaskQueues, a Workflow, and at least two Workers. To describe the TaskRouter workspace using the Twilio dynamic provider, add the following code to your file index.js : JavaScript Copy the code "use strict"; const pulumi = require("@pulumi/pulumi"); const { Resource } = require('twilio-pulumi-provider'); const workspace = new Resource("example-workspace", { resource: ["taskrouter", "workspaces"], attributes: { friendlyName: "Workspace created with Pulumi" } }); Note that describing a component is as simple as instantiating an object.
In this case, we use the class Resource exposed by the package twilio-pulumi-provider. The telegram philippines girl first argument is its ID, which is used by Pulumi to track its state. The second argument is an object describing the API endpoint and its attributes: resources : the API URL broken down into array elements. For example, in this case, the API endpoint URL for creating a workspace is We use the subdomain ( taskrouter) as the first array element and the path ( workspace) as the second array element. We'll see how to convert other API URLs into arrays later.

attributes : An object that describes the settings of the resources you create or modify. For example, in this case, it's the settings of a new Twilio Workspace resource (you can check the API documentation for more details). It is important to note that the way we describe the resource with the API path is not the most commonly used pattern by Pulumi or other IaC platforms. In the case of the package twilio-pulumi-provider, we chose this method because it avoids managing the implementation of a resource class for each endpoint or updating it with the publication of a new API endpoint.
In this case, we use the class Resource exposed by the package twilio-pulumi-provider. The telegram philippines girl first argument is its ID, which is used by Pulumi to track its state. The second argument is an object describing the API endpoint and its attributes: resources : the API URL broken down into array elements. For example, in this case, the API endpoint URL for creating a workspace is We use the subdomain ( taskrouter) as the first array element and the path ( workspace) as the second array element. We'll see how to convert other API URLs into arrays later.

attributes : An object that describes the settings of the resources you create or modify. For example, in this case, it's the settings of a new Twilio Workspace resource (you can check the API documentation for more details). It is important to note that the way we describe the resource with the API path is not the most commonly used pattern by Pulumi or other IaC platforms. In the case of the package twilio-pulumi-provider, we chose this method because it avoids managing the implementation of a resource class for each endpoint or updating it with the publication of a new API endpoint.