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Real marketing stories

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:58 am
by jrineakter01
As professionals, we tend to offer our services by describing their benefits, the value proposition for our audience, methodology, etc. This is the correct way, but we often forget that our services are not about us, but about our clients. About their circumstances, their professional and personal context,… a lot of intangibles that we don't know about until we start working with them.

That's why I want to write this article, to tell real stories about real people, like you and me.

But before moving on to the stories, I wanted to make a small reflection.

Mentoring is a path we walk together
As a marketing mentor, I am the person who will guide you along the way, the one who has the knowledge and experience necessary to help you achieve your goals. Whether it is uk telegram number making your business scalable, taking advantage of digital marketing, reorganizing internal processes, etc. or helping you set up your business from scratch.

But mentoring is more than that. It's a two-way street.

I have realized that every day I learn new things from my mentees (each business model is an inexhaustible source of learning), and that in the end it becomes more of a friendship than a professional relationship in which we both care about the well-being of the other. And this is wonderful. It is a highly enriching process!

Total trust, personalization and involvement
Like all relationships, mentoring is based on mutual trust. It is something that begins to be built from the previous meetings and that gradually becomes more solid. And of course, it is the pillar on which mentoring is based. As a mentor, I must give you the best advice (the one I would give myself or my family), and as a mentee, you must trust that this is the case, in order to apply it to your business.

There is nothing more difficult to imitate than the relationship between two people.


And as such, my advice, methodology, processes, etc. must all be 100% personalized for each case. There is no “magic” recipe that works for everyone. Each person and each company have different contexts, needs and circumstances. That is why I start from my own methodology that I adapt to each case.

So we are not only going to look at marketing issues. In the end, when you start optimizing a business, you review everything from its model to its processes, people, products or services, sales processes (both B2C and B2B), finances, etc.

Tactical execution is what validates the strategy
The basis for a company's success lies in defining the appropriate strategy for each case, but without proper tactical implementation, it remains a dead letter.

You know that “paper can take anything”. We need to have a clear process and control mechanisms that allow us to implement the strategy and validate it based on real results. From this point on, we take the necessary corrective actions to adjust it.

In my mentoring sessions we work on two levels in parallel: strategy and tactics. On the one hand we define and on the other, we optimize daily activity. From the beginning we obtain tactical improvements and as we advance in both areas, they converge. We implement the strategy and incorporate the tactical improvements into the new defined path.

But let's leave the reflections and get to the important thing in this article: the people.

Marketing mentoring stories about real people like you and me
Below I am going to tell you the stories of some of the people who are or have been in my digital marketing mentoring sessions . The companies or projects I work with in the mentoring sessions can be grouped into three large groups:

Businesses that are already in operation and need to take a further step in their evolution to get out of the rut and scale their business.
Professionals who want to set up and launch a project from scratch and seek my help to guide them through the entire process.
Self-employed workers who want to give their career a boost.
To help you understand better, I am going to highlight the testimony of one person from each group, along with the testimonies of other similar profiles.