Corporate agile will continue

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Corporate agile will continue

Post by Arzina3225 »

Agile in 2018: Challenges and the Future
Agile changes everything. Organizations do not just 'simply' switch to agile. They undergo the transformation with a clear goal in mind, such as digitization or improving time to market. An agile transformation is a commitment and must work for you as an organization.

In the agile transformation processes we generally see two types of organizations:

Companies that are ​very aware​ of the​ ​faster,​ ​higher​ ​business​ ​value​ ​they​ ​can​ ​create​ and who are going to monitor this ​agile​ ​process. They see the need for continuous improvement.
Companies​​ that want to apply the agile principles, but are not aware of the continuous improvement that is needed for this. They assume that there is an end to an agile transformation. Companies that assume that there is only one way to work agile, will never achieve the desired result of agile: agile transformation is never 'finished'!
Agile agile organizations are able to continuously respond to changes in the market in a fast way. If you as an organization think that after one transformation you are ready to respond to a constantly changing market for the rest of your existence, then you are completely missing the agile mark. The following trends and challenges are on the doorstep of organizations in 2018.

One of the biggest challenges for organizations in 2018 is the full delivery of agile. They will have to organize the way of working (the organizational metabolism) in such a way that the organization is able to develop, operationalize and maintain the entire service provision in an agile way. To do this, it is necessary that supporting entities in the organization such as HR and marketing are included in the agile dynamic. This requires deep connections between the different departments within the organizations. Not only teams with multidisciplinary professionals, but also multidisciplinary teams where all stakeholders are involved and remain involved throughout the entire process. Mind you, there are people who say 'that was also the case in the past'. Being involved in the agile process means that you go along with the rhythm of the interaction process in a way that removes all checks and controls afterwards.

Corporate agile requires collaboration at kuwait whatsapp number corporate level (both horizontally and vertically in the organization). How do you realize this as an organization while your people do different jobs and departments have no connection with each other? Integrated agile is the answer, that is the big challenge for 2018.


2. HR drives full delivery transformation
An important role within full delivery transformation is reserved for HR departments. The question for the coming year is how HR can be set up for an agile organization. The way in which the HR department serves the rest of the organization will be crucial. HR must, among other things, find employees who fit the agile business process, know the agile profile and set up the right evaluation models for this. After all, agile is no longer about performing individual tasks, it is about delivering as a team. Whoever does what suddenly becomes less or no longer relevant. That has an impact, not only on the evaluation.

As a result, changes also occur in the recruitment system. New forms of reward systems and evaluation models are needed. Rewards that focus on team performance instead of individual performance, and evaluation processes in which team members assess instead of managers.
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