This is because Roskomnadzor has allowed ORS (the operator of advertising systems) to indonesia mobile number list encode the link on its resources. And when decrypted on the server of the Unified Register of Internet Advertising (ERIR), all data on Roskomnadzor marking will be received. 5. Non-clickable banners There are almost no examples of non-clickable banners left on the Internet, almost all banners on the Internet are clickable and lead to the advertiser's website.

Therefore, as an example of non-clickable banners, we will use stories on social networks. For stories, banners with advertising integrations and non-clickable advertisements, the marking should be placed as text over the photo/video creative. The marking looks in the same format that we considered under point 2: Advertising. LLC "Kuzmich" erid: xxxx Example of marking a non-clickable banner Example of marking a non-clickable banner We couldn't find any real examples of brand or blogger story labeling.
So we added a non-existent erid to show what a non-clickable banner or story labeled by law should look like. 6. Videos The same rules apply to video advertising that is placed on the Internet: the markings must be present and legible. Advertising. LLC "Kuzmich" erid: xxxx Example of marking an advertising video Example of marking an advertising video Sber did not fully add the labeling attributes in its TG channel, namely, it did not register the erid of the token.