Create an environment variable
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:52 am
The values that your function log displays are encrypted and more secure: the status *redacted* ( *hidden* ) appears in your call history: to start up twilio functions to follow these instructions, use the twilio console function editor . Advanced developers can also use the more robust serverless cli to create, deploy, and maintain features. Create a service create and store functions in services : log in to the twilio console and navigate to the functions tab .
Create a service by clicking the create service button singapore mobile number list and adding a name. For example: encrypted-gather-sample . Add a dependency in this solution, use the axios library to send a request to your "fake" back-end service ( decrypt-gather function ). Add axios as a dependency to your service . this solution requires a secret key to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data.
Your secret key string must be at least 32 bytes long. Do not disclose this secret key. To create a random secret key, use the following command line on mac/linux: xxd -l32 -p /dev/urandom you can also generate it with node.js: crypto.randombytes(32).tostring('hex') add an environment variable in the service where you keep your key.
Create a service by clicking the create service button singapore mobile number list and adding a name. For example: encrypted-gather-sample . Add a dependency in this solution, use the axios library to send a request to your "fake" back-end service ( decrypt-gather function ). Add axios as a dependency to your service . this solution requires a secret key to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data.

Your secret key string must be at least 32 bytes long. Do not disclose this secret key. To create a random secret key, use the following command line on mac/linux: xxd -l32 -p /dev/urandom you can also generate it with node.js: crypto.randombytes(32).tostring('hex') add an environment variable in the service where you keep your key.