Bin/nodenv nodenv-example.js the command line 11-digit phone number format philippines output should show the value for foo is: foo. If we now enable force mode, we can override the existing values:_modules/.bin/nodenv --force nodenv.js therefore, we should go back to the the value for foo is: bar initial. If you want to use this tool regularly, i recommend wrapping it in an npm script.

By adding it in package.json as follows: json copy the code { "name": "twilio-blog", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "nodenv-example.js", "scripts": { "start": "node .", "start:dev": "nodenv -f ." }, "author": "", "license": "isc", "devdependencies": { "node-env-run": "^2.0.1" } } you can thus easily execute: bash copy the code npm run start:dev if you want to know more about node-env-run , check out its documentation .