Methods of training a director

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Methods of training a director

Post by Mimakte »

He needs to undergo training in setting up advertising to obtain a specialist certificate. You can send one of your employees to these classes to perform the tasks of a direct marketing specialist. Our review presents three paid and three free courses on Yandex.Direct. They will teach you how to set up contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct, create effective PR campaigns, work with Yandex.Metrica and the Yandex advertising network (YAN).

Paid courses
Contextual advertising program from Skillbox. This training course is designed for six months, and with a 22-month installment plan, the monthly payment will be 2878 rubles. The first three months are devoted to intensive study of the material, after which lifelong access to the educational content is provided. Students will master the launch and analysis of advertising campaigns in the Yandex.Direct and Google Ads systems.

Paid courses


Course "YANDEX.DIRECT 2.0" from Convert Monster. The italy business mailing list program is designed for three months, the cost is 29,900 rubles. Covers working with tools: Yandex.Direct, Google Analytics, KeyCollector, Direct Commander, Yandex.Audience, Yandex.Wordstat, Concept Direct, Yandex.Metrica and others.

A course from Netology for contextual advertisers. Suitable for beginners and those planning to change careers. Includes 123 hours of theory and 142 hours of practice over 8 months. Study load: about 8 hours per week, with webinars in the evenings 1-2 times a week. The cost of the course is 76,500 rubles with a one-time payment, or you can choose an installment plan for two years with payments of 3,355 rubles per month. A tax deduction of 13% of the amount spent is also available.


Free courses
Digistr's training program for Yandex.Direct is a series of compressed video lectures that teach you how to create tags and set up audiences on this platform. The course includes step-by-step instructions on registering in your personal account, creating and duplicating PR campaigns, independently setting up Direct parameters, and solving other key tasks. You can complete the training at your own pace.

The course "Yandex.Direct School" from the company "Yandex" gives the opportunity to acquire basic skills of working with this platform, try yourself in the role of a specialist in contextual advertising.

The program "Yandex.Direct: preparation for certification" of the educational center "Netology" is preparation for a professional exam with proctoring in the Yandex.Direct system.

Download a useful document on the topic:

Checklist: How to Achieve Your Goals in Negotiations with Clients

Frequently asked questions about the director
Although some aspects of a director's work can be automated, expert opinion and a human approach to creating PR strategies are necessary.

What are the disadvantages of this profession?
Often you have to do routine, monotonous and boring work, such as analytics. In addition, there are difficulties associated with customers, especially when agreeing on a budget.

How to recognize a newcomer in this field?
Beginners in direct marketing are prone to tempting ads where they offer a small amount for setting up/running contextual advertising in Yandex. Carefully read the list of services offered for this price. If it is not impressive or the specialist is clearly confused in the terms and answers uncertainly, it is worth looking for another contractor.

How to recognize scammers?
To identify them, pay attention to excessive desire to receive income. Such persons often rush the transfer of money, seeking prepayment/full payment as soon as possible. They avoid providing preliminary calculations and other documents confirming the completion of the initial stages of advertising launch.

A successful advertising campaign requires not only technical knowledge, but also a deep understanding of the business, the target audience and many other factors that are difficult to leave to the mercy of hardware.
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