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Little Things We Learned in 2020

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 4:44 am
by ashammi238
As 2020 draws to a close, we decided to look back on the year with gratitude. The year has undoubtedly taught us many wonderful things. But as they say, it's the little things that matter.

So, here are some small but important facts we learned this year.

Read and tell us, guys!

All people multitask. ?
Remember when we worked from an office? Waking up early, getting dressed, getting to the office and working for 9 hours straight. Now it feels like a dream. ?

Anyway, now that we're all working from buy Phone Number List home, haven't we all discovered multitasking? Sometimes I find myself making an omelet, washing dishes, or adjusting my wardrobe during work hours. You too?


Everyone is born a cook! ?
There. We said it! It’s an undeniable fact that we’ve all seen our friends and family try their hand at cooking. Don’t tell us you’ve never brewed or tried making Dalgona coffee or baking cakes during quarantine. The point is, we can do anything if we really want to.

Can we succeed even without shopping *no hands*?
Haven't we all learned our lesson? It was a nightmare back then when malls were closed and online shopping was a bust. But we've been slowly and surely getting over the reality, haven't we? Many of our favorite malls are still closed, but we're doing just fine without them. Yes, we are. Don't try to convince yourself otherwise.

Sharing is caring. ?
It's not obvious, but we definitely live up to that adage. You know you shared your new work (from home) space with your siblings? We built a little co-working/studying space at home, right?

Some of us also share our Netflix passwords with friends these days… and I think that’s really cool! We can’t go to the movies, but we can watch them together.

Resilience is in our DNA. ?
“Not allowed in the office,” they said. “No problem, we’ll work from home,” we said. They said social distancing, so we video-called each other. They said going to lunch was dangerous, so we ordered in. They said don’t go to the gym, so we worked out at home.

They said, isn't it... isn't it...

So many restrictions and problems. Like all of us resilient people, we overcame them all. Give yourselves a pat on the back, everyone! ?

The importance of hand washing.
Now this is a bit serious. We are all lazy when it comes to washing our hands and faces. Who wants to put in that futile effort, right? But thank you, 2020! You have shown us how important the little things are. It is undeniable that small steps towards hygiene can save us from big troubles.