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The available options are as follows:

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:03 am
by mostfiz67
Select conditional formatting
Types of conditional formatting
Rules for highlighting cells
The first conditional formatting relationship you'll search phone number philippines encounter is the rules for highlighting cells feature. This feature allows you to highlight cells with colors. There are several options you can choose from depending on your final purpose:

Cells must have values ​​greater than (1), less than (2), or equal to (4) in a given value.
Cells must be within a range of values ​​(3).
Cells must contain specific text (5) or a specific date (6).
Cells must have duplicate values ​​(7).

Rules option to highlight cells
When you choose one of these options, a new window appears. In this window you can set the conditions and choose the format. You have the option to choose one of the predefined formats, or you can also customize it to your liking. The features you can customize range from color and font to outlines and fill.


Format for customization
Here's an idea of ​​what some of the applied conditional formatting types look like:

Idea of ​​applied rules
Rules for upper and lower values
Next, as the second option you can choose, we find the “ rules for upper and lower values ”. This feature allows you to highlight the highest or lowest values ​​according to certain criteria.