When designing graphics and images for use usa telegram accounts in responsive mailing, you should make sure they are scalable and do not contain too many small details. Otherwise, they may be difficult to see on mobile devices. For example, in the case of clothing or accessories, a closer look at the advertised product will be a better option than showing the entire model or the model from a distance.
A good practice in responsive mailing is also to add alternative descriptions to all photos. In this case, if there is a problem with the full display of the message by a given mailbox, the recipient will be able to read what was on the individual images.
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Engaging your target group and building relationships with them is proving to be a difficult task? You don't know how to encourage your recipients to stay with your brand longer? Drip marketing can be a bull's eye. We explain what it is and in which applications it works best!
What is drip marketing?
Applications of drip marketing
Why is it worth using drip marketing?

Types of Drip Marketing Campaigns
Organizing a drip marketing campaign - step by step
What is drip marketing?
Drip marketing is a form of advertising that involves the automated "dosing" of small doses of content to recipients at certain time intervals.
The subsequent materials ("droplets") are designed to form a coherent whole, but not in an avalanche, but slowly and systematically. This method will encourage the recipient to take a specific action in a non-invasive way, or build a certain image of the brand (for example, as an expert in the industry). The impetus to launch a drip marketing campaign is usually the user taking some action, for example: