While remote work means you don't have to worry about the time it takes to commute or iron your outfit, on-site work allows you to have more control over your working hours .
When you're in the indonesia phone number example office, you're at work - simple. Working from home, on the other hand, you can start treating your office hours more and more flexibly and boom, the boundaries blur.
At home, you do laundry during work hours, so you work half an hour longer, the next day you get up a little later and stay an extra hour at the laptop, until you finally realize that your day consists of intertwined segments of home life and professional duties, and because of that you are at work not eight hours, but a dozen or so.
The sight of your desk can also make you think about your responsibilities even after you close your laptop , and if you don't have a dedicated workspace, it can be even more difficult to mentally leave work.

And then there's the tempting opportunity to sit down at the computer in the evening and check off a few responsibilities for the next day!
More than 38% of IT workers often or very often feel exhausted after a day at work ( Bitnoise and HearMe report: Two sides of the coin. Dynamic IT industry and mental health 2023 ). Don't make your professional life even more difficult!
If you tend to be a perfectionist, a constant improver, or on standby, consider whether working from home is for you. After all, it's not about working more, but smarter - and you won't achieve that without a good work-life balance .
Which work model will you choose?
Remote work is an option in most companies and you can decide for yourself which model, remote, on-site or hybrid, suits you best!
More than half of remote workers admit that their most preferred work model is the hybrid one ( Gallup report 2021 ) - test it and see if this system will work for you!
We encourage you to make a decision based not only on what is most comfortable, but most importantly on what will serve you best in the long run