Privacy, a subject that everyone approaches with trepidation, has unfortunately begun to be shaken with the spread of digital advertising. While those who think commercially are happy that ads malaysia phone number example can work so deeply and target audience-oriented, individual users may experience discomfort in this regard.
While digital advertising and privacy continue to be a topic of debate, digital advertising tools continue to be updated. Digital advertising, which is shaped according to the needs of advertisers, also creates a very different balance with the features brought by giants such as Google and Facebook.
Although it coincides with a later period in our country, Facebook ads started in 2004 when they were first launched at Harvard University. This advertising tool called “Flyers”, preferred by university students and small businesses, was highlighted with budgets ranging from $10 to $40. This advertising tool, which could reach very small audiences by using limited demographic information, was used for about 2 years.
Updated every year , Facebook advertising tools are now actively used on Instagram, publishing ads that can reach an average of 350 million people. This means that a large audience can talk about brands in digital advertising.

Sponsored Messages Are Coming!
Sponsored Messages Are Coming!
Facebook, which aims for more effective digital advertising with updates, seems to be talked about with its latest update. Facebook, which is in the testing phase with its latest update, will now allow advertisements to be sent as sponsored content in the form of private messages to specially selected target audiences.