As the month comes to an end, we would like to end our Women's Day series on a high note. This blog post expresses gratitude to all those who believed in women, supported them, and spoke out against the violation of their fundamental rights.
Let's explore the different areas in which society has changed dramatically for women over the years. And the good news is, it's getting better every day.
Birth of a girl
It all starts with the conception of a girl child. In earlier Phone Number Database times, female wasting was common because girls were considered a financial burden.

With the advancement of technology, it became possible to determine the sex of a child in the womb. Mothers succumbed to family pressure and aborted their girls. There are horrific stories of people who took ruthless steps to get rid of a girl child before she was even born. And that's not all. Parents often abandon or kill girls even after birth, even though female infanticide is illegal. Even today, in some parts of the world, society ridicules parents who accept and raise girls.
Due to repeated awareness programs conducted by the government and NGOs, times have changed. For example, in 1994, prenatal sex determination testing was declared illegal by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India to improve the gender ratio. Femicide is a punishable crime in India.
Over the years, the mindset has changed not only because of laws but also because people have realized the importance of women. Today, girls are accepted with open arms. People have also started believing that girls can achieve as much or even better than boys if given the opportunity.
Myths about menstruation
When a girl reaches adolescence, her body undergoes hormonal changes leading to menstruation. Although it is a biological change, it has been treated as something abnormal, dirty and unclean. Many widespread superstitious beliefs, stereotypes and myths about menstruation have affected the physical and mental health of women. Women and girls have not been able to maintain hygiene during menstruation, leading to critical infections. People attribute negativity to menstruation, but allow themselves to savor the positivity that comes from it.
Fast forward to today, we are glad that menstruation is no longer a taboo. Society has progressed to view it as simply a natural process, rather than a problem or disease. Here are some social changes we appreciate:
Television and social media advertisements promoting information about menstruation.
School programs to educate students about menstruation and its consequences.
IT companies are introducing periodic leaves for women as part of their other annual leaves.
Women's education
Raise your hand if your mother or grandmother was unable to complete their education because they had to get married and take care of the house. We hear you. ????
Previously, women were not allowed to study and excel in their studies, which was the norm for a long time. Women were only taught cooking, cleaning and other household chores that would benefit them after marriage.
Then came the transition period where women were encouraged to get an education. But wait, just an education, not a job. Their knowledge was used only to help their children with their homework.
Finally, in recent times, women have been given the opportunity to study, get higher education and make a career. More women are encouraged to complete their education before they get married and have children. Society has recognized the fact that education liberates women, and rightly so.
In the same vein, we would like to throw light on Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojna (Save the girl child, educate her). This is a campaign by the Government of India to create awareness and improve the effectiveness of social services for girls in India.
Working women
It's not that women didn't work in the past. It's always been that way. Women used to run the house, work in the fields under the scorching sun, work for the family, and much more. They still believe. But women didn't have many options back then, did they? Most of them weren't even paid for their work. It was considered part of their duty to their families.
But today, the narrative has changed. There has been a fundamental transformation in how women are valued. Society has become more receptive to women's skills and is providing them with better opportunities than ever before. Women today are empowered to choose their careers and carve out a niche for themselves.
But are they treated fairly in the workplace? Not all the time.
Initially, sexual harassment of women was common in the workplace, but it was rarely reported. That’s not the worst of it. Victims of harassment felt embarrassed and guilty for speaking out or reporting such acts. This took a toll on women’s health, causing anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
Women are now encouraged to speak up about sexual harassment. To ensure the safety of women at the workplace, the Ministry of Women and Child Development of India has introduced the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) . POSH considers any sexual harassment, verbal or physical, illegal. It also gives IT companies the right to fire and blacklist any employee who violates POSH rules. Similarly, the US, Canada, Europe and other countries have strict laws against harassment and violence at work.
Such strict actions show us which side of the society is supportive of women and works for their well-being.
For your information: The POSH Act applies to both women and men.
Maternity Leaves
There were times when pregnant women stopped working. They were advised to take a career break for the baby. But if a woman is able to cope with pregnancy, work and family, then why not? To work or not is entirely a woman's choice. If her health does not require a break, she can not only work, but also go horse riding.
With maternity leave, women can now take leave whenever they feel the need during pregnancy. Different countries have different rules regarding maternity leave . In India, women are entitled to 26 weeks of maternity leave, excluding other leaves. An employer cannot fire a woman for going on maternity leave. They also cannot give notice of termination to women on maternity leave. Employers are sensitive to the contribution of women employees and offer them maternity benefits that enable them to work.
These are some common problems that women face (or have faced) all over the world. Today, women have great hopes in education, employment, and even life. This was possible due to the efforts of not only women, but also men who believed in women and fought for their rights. Their support was exceptional in breaking the norms.
Point to think - now that the march is coming to an end, does this mean we no longer need to focus on women? Should women only celebrate March 8?
We would like to end this series with this thought - There are many reasons why a woman should be recognized every day. Find one, celebrate it.
Stay tuned for more interesting posts on the Vtiger blog. Until then, goodbye!