33. “People don’t find content by mistake, or by accident. Every content plan needs a complementary promotion plan that combines paid, owned, and earned media.” – Matthew Gratt, Bestow Inc
Matthew Gratt Blogger Head Shot (Quotes and Advice Article)
In the early days of the Internet, as long as you had some good old-fashioned hustle and creativity, it was possible to organically build a massive and loyal audience without ever having to spend a dime on what number is this singapore . Unfortunately, the chances of being able to do that today are much lower than they used to be.
If you’re having trouble with your content planning efforts, you can grab my free blog planner bundle and turn things up a notch today.
In today’s modern blogging world, you’ll have to learn how to market your blog just like you would with any other brand. That means seriously considering investing in resources and tools like social media advertising or CRMs.
When you’ll start using paid marketing channels will depend entirely on where you’re at in your blogging journey and your ability to monetize your content. But I’d definitely consider making some room in your blog’s budget for potential advertising costs.
34. “I believe the term “blog” means more than an online journal. I believe a blog is a conversation. People go to blogs to read AND write, not just consume.” – Michael Arrington, TechCrunch
One of the great things about blogging is that communication between a blogger and their audience is a two-way street.
Everyone talks about “engaging your audience” but bloggers are in the unique position to be able to interact directly with their audience. Whether that’s through replying to a comment, a tweet or an email, making sure to take the time to engage in a conversation with one of your readers is the key to turning a casual reader into a loyal follower.
35. “Don’t be the person who shows up to the party and won’t stop talking about themselves. Nobody likes that person. And your audience won’t be very fond of you if you’re constantly interrupting them with things they don’t want to hear.” – Craig Davis, Sendle
When it comes to promoting your latest piece of content, your email list is the most important asset you have.
33. “People don’t find content by mistake
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