Problem with the <robots> meta tag

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Problem with the <robots> meta tag

Post by jarinislamfatema »

Often occurs when some parameters are accidentally changed, for example, hosting or CMS parameters . The following line appears in the site code: Problem with robots meta tag Problem with <X-Robot-Tag>. <X-Robots-Tag> is an HTTP header, its difference with <robots> is that it is in the server file. You can see the resource closure in <X-Robots-Tag> by going to the console: Problem with X-Robot-Tag meta tag Problem with <robots.txt>. Experts often recommend closing off from indexing in the <robots.

txt> file what should not be indexed. However, just thailand cell phone number list one extra character can close the necessary page for indexing. Even if everything is done correctly, there is a chance that something was caught. If this message is displayed, it means that the site is closed for indexing: <User-agent: * Disallow: />. Indexing problems may occur due to: multiple duplication of pages; non-original page content; problems with website loading speed. Reducing the indexing duration The number of verified web pages depends on the budget.

But of course, it is best if new information gets into the search engine results as quickly as possible, you will be able to improve the monetization of sites and attract new visitors. Of course, it is always possible to send one or more pages for forced indexing, but there are a few more ways. Sitemap update Absolutely all new pages must be specified in the site map. With the help of this file, search engines can determine the structure of the site and navigate it better.
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