Processing incoming requests
In the B2B area, the operation usually starts with the sales and marketing departments generating a flow of potential customers. This is achieved through various methods, such as using contact forms on the website, participating in exhibitions, sending emails, direct advertising and other channels.
B2B sales managers or call center operators process all incoming requests, some of which may be rejected for various reasons.
In large companies, selected "hot" requests are area code philippines mobile passed on to managers who conduct presentations and provide further support. In small and medium businesses, salespeople often independently accept, sort, and manage all requests without the participation of intermediate links.
Processing incoming requests
Establishing contact through outbound calls
In the B2B segment, many companies employ employees who specialize in actively searching for and establishing business connections. These people identify potential clients from the target audience using cold calls, email newsletters, social networks, instant messengers, and other communication channels.

As soon as the client shows interest, their contact information is transferred to the manager, who continues the interaction and conducts negotiations. In small and medium businesses, such specialists are often the only ones who contact buyers at all stages of the process.
Identifying needs
During the presentation, the B2B sales manager not only demonstrates the benefits of cooperation with his company, but also develops an individual approach for each potential client. The key task of the B2B sales manager is to understand the problems and needs of buyers in order to offer the most suitable terms of cooperation.
A professional account manager provides various models of work and payment options, using their skills in building trust and overcoming objections. Presentation is an art, and its success largely depends on the personality and charisma of the manager who conducts it.
Moving from presentation to deal
Once the presentation is successfully completed, the B2B sales manager gets “his” contact person among potential clients. The next step is to provide this person with all the opportunities to “sell” your offer within his company. Other important employees are involved in the process. The marketing department must receive all the necessary information to make a deal, and the financial department evaluates the economic feasibility.
Moving from presentation to deal
At the end of the interaction between a seller and a buyer in the B2B sphere, the procedure usually passes through the purchasing department and the legal department before receiving final approval.
Closing the deal
Signing a contract is not the end of the process. Customer service specialists join in at this stage, providing technical support and continuing communication. This is an important moment, because in the B2B sector, not only customer acquisition but also customer retention plays a decisive role.
Many B2B companies use a small-goal strategy when making initial sales. This tactic involves closing a minimum deal to test customer satisfaction and then upselling. Companies understand that a small goal is worth it because subsequent business growth depends on the quality of the product and ongoing customer service.
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Alexander Kuleshov
Alexander Kuleshov
General Director of Sales Generator LLC
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