Monitor your account
Keep an eye on your account and watch for charges you don't recognize.
Protecting your authentication token is an important part of a good overall security strategy. Twilio is committed to building and maintaining trust, and we want to provide you with the right philippines mobile number example tools and guidance to properly secure your applications and manage your data. For more information, see the User Authentication and Identity documentation .
Avoiding fraud and phishing by design
Proper security in your web application starts with the simple best practices we just covered. By protecting your account credentials and staying vigilant against fraudulent activity, you can protect your customers, your reputation, and your bottom line.
For more information on preventing fraud and protecting your account, see our Developer Guide to Fraud .
Reading time: 2 minutes

February 19, 2019
Written by
Layla Porter
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When the Twilio API for WhatsApp launched in the summer of 2018, it could only handle text messages. Now, the API can send and receive multimedia messages
To make things even faster, below you will find all the code and a link to the finished project on GitHub .
If you want to see a full integration of Twilio APIs into a .NET Core application, check out this free 5-part video series I created. It's separate from the tutorial in this post, but will give you a comprehensive view of multiple APIs at once.
To encode, make sure the following are configured:
A Twilio account ( you can create a free Twilio account here )
The .NET Core 2.2 SDK
WhatsApp Channel Sandbox installed ( perform this procedure to enable sandbox )
After creating a new .NET console application , add the Twilio NuGet package to the solution. If you're not sure how to do this, see this article .
Open the file Program.cs and add the Twilio statement using . Initialize the Twilio REST client with the Account SID and Auth Token, which can be found in the Twilio console .
This solution uses the Account SID and Auth Token as environment variables , but they can also be added via the App Settings and User Secrets .