The real breakthrough for managing individual customer experiences came in the last decade. The rise of many online marketing tools and techniques enables organizations more than ever to know the customer and approach them individually.
The question arises why many organizations are still so bad at giving the customer a good experience despite all these marketing innovations. I think there are 3 obstacles that play a role in this.
Online marketing techniques offer unprecedented possibilities. Tools such as display and search advertising, e-mail marketing or Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) have developed into extremely advanced and rather complex instruments, which can only be used properly by super specialists . The complexity of these tools may be the reason why we have lost sight of what is at the core of these techniques, namely… techniques, means, and not a goal in itself.
For example, SEO should not primarily be seen as a tool to secure a high ranking position, but as a means to ensure that your (potential) customers are helped with relevant and findable content. With the advancing technological developments , this realization will only become more important. When adopting new technologies, marketers will uk whatsapp number have to ask themselves more than ever to what extent these resources enrich the lives of their customers and strengthen the (emotional!) bond with the brand.
What does that mean for 2018? What social tensions, hopeful possibilities and business opportunities will the new year bring? Saying that you know what is coming is crazy. But it is also fun. And so, against our better judgment, we throw our scruples aside and, on New Year's Day, I and my colleagues traditionally look ahead. Straight from our crystal ball: this is what 2018 will bring in design, tech, business and social trends.

2018 in a nutshell: playtime is over
The digital world has lost its innocence. The tech optimism of the past years has disappeared like snow in the sun. Not only do we suddenly doubt out loud whether all that digital communication is really an enrichment, we read daily about gross violations of privacy and the possible threat that artificial intelligence could pose to our survival. Playtime is over , the digital revolution is not all roses and moonshine.
Playtime is over, the digital revolution is not all roses and moonlight.